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Clean Industry

We aim to prove and scale a new model for economic/industrial development that uses innovation to maximize triple bottom line (3BL) value from industrial infrastructure across community types and political dividing lines. 

CSI works to catalyze and accelerate clean industry projects, investments, policies, and sector organization in the Pacific Northwest that deliver sustainable, triple-bottom-line (3BL) benefits. 


This work is centered around three projects: Industrial Symbiosis, Agricultural (Ag) Symbiosis, and the Portland-Denmark Clean Industry Exchange.

Through Industrial Symbiosis, we helped import to the PNW a new, circular model for industrial development that offers greater economic value and reduces cost, waste, and pollution through the sharing of wasted energy, water, and material resources across companies.

We're working with cross-sector leaders to build a thriving, sustainable Ag Symbiosis sector in the PNW that delivers broadly shared, 3BL benefits in agriculture communities across the state through greater resource utilization.  

The Portland-Denmark Clean Industry Exchange supports the development of a 3BL, public-private collaboration that leverages Danish know-how to advance industrial decarbonization, economic development, and social equity in the City of Portland. 



SYMBIOSIS   |   (360) 867-8819

The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure

120 State Ave NE #303, Olympia, WA 98501

©2024 CSI

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